Wednesday, April 22, 2015

THE Toaster

Toward the end of my grandmother's life, she was living half the year with each of her two daughters.  While staying at my mom's house, she got so tired of the crappy toaster we had grown up with, she insisted that her toaster from the early 1950's be shipped to my mom's house.  When my grandmother died, the toaster remained at my mom's house.

The Best Toast You Can Imagine
Not only did this toaster go up and down by itself, and allow for thicknesses as much as a bagel, but it also made the most perfectly even toast you can imagine.

Truly an example of how they don't make 'em like this anymore.

For years, I told Thaddeus what a great toaster this was, and that I wanted my mom's toaster.  We looked for them at flea markets for years, hoping to find one like my grandmother's (to no avail).

For my latest birthday, Thaddeus finally decided to break down and get me one on eBay, but before he ordered it, lo and behold, the toaster appeared at our local flea mint condition except for a less-than-clean cord (the woven cloth type).

So for $5 and a $2 replacement cord (also found at the local flea market), we now have what is in my mind the best toaster money can buy.

The make is a Sunbeam T20B (my grandmothers is a T20A, but there is no difference).

If you ever see one of these, do yourself a favor and pick it's truly worth it.

Current Knitting/Spinning
I've done a bit more work on the Zara linen stitch pullover.

I've also done a bit more work on the hexapuff blanket.

This is just a photo of the hexapuff I made using the scraps of the Optim Merino yarn I recently finished spinning.  With this being the first time I dyed yarn by myself, I wanted to see how it knitted up.

And here are some photos of the finished yarn (both dyed and some left undyed).

It turns out I spun a total of over 2 lbs of yarn.  It's incredibly soft and fluffy, and as you can kind of see from the photo with the undyed yarn, it's got a nice silky luster to it.

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