Wednesday, April 29, 2015

On The Verge

Have you ever been at a place in your life where everything seems just about to happen?

What's Around The Corner

Since this is a knitting blog, you'll note below that I'm just shy of finishing the Icelandic wool pullover.

In a few short weeks, the months of preparation will finally result in the sixth annual Men's Spring Knitting Retreat.

Easton Mountain's fundraising campaign to replace their broken hot tub is just about to reach their goal.

I'm finalizing administrative tasks to switch the legal way in which I'm working with my current client (it won't change much, except that it will be better from a tax perspective for me).

Well, I guess it's not that much, but it seems like things are about to pop, like when popcorn is just about to start popping.

Current Knitting

As noted above, I am just about to finish the latest sweater project.

Just a few more rounds of ribbing on the sleeve, a few ends to weave in (very few...I think it might be three) and a little blocking, and this project will be just another sweater in our armoire.  I started this project towards the end of January, so it's taken about 3 months to knit it (with other projects interspersed).

Readers' Comments/Questions

Thank you all for your inspiring comments on the generic blog entry.  I expected folks to respond in a clever way, but your responses far surpassed my expectations.  It's nice having brilliant readers.

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