Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Nasi Goreng???

Have you ever heard of this dish?  And if not, why not?

Food Imports
Most of the people of North America have had fried rice and many have tasted, or at least heard of Lo Mein or Pad Thad.  Some folks may even have had the pleasure of eating Mai Fun, or Singapore Rice Noodels.  I like all of these dishes, but when I was in Singapore, I got to try an Indonesian version of spicy fried rice called nasi goreng and I have been amazed that it hasn't been imported with enthusiasm to the states.

Any time I met and Indonesian person, I'd ask them if they think nasi goreng is incredibly delicious, and when they inevitably said that it was, I would ask why don't you ever see it in North American restaurants?

They would always seem as perplexed as I was (or perhaps startled by some American nut-case).

A friend of mine who was born in Holland (she's Hollish) and was raised by her grandparents knew all about this dish.  Her grandparents had raised four transported Indonesian children (not quite sure how that happened), and the grandmother learned how to make certain Indonesian dishes, including nasi goreng...and taught her granddaughter how to as well.

Two of the ingredients that I needed which I didn't have readily available for the dish were, Sambal Oelek, or red chile past, and Kecap Manis , or sweet soy sauce and (and pronounced like Ketchup Manis). I also purchased a packet of seasoning specifically for making Nasi Goreng.

I would highly recommend trying to make this's indescribably delicious and worth the effort of gathering the ingredients. Or try to wrangle yourself an invitation to my house or the house of any of your good-cooking Malaysian friends!

Current Knitting/Crochet
I've finished the Spiral Square baby blanket in Poem Sock yarn with the Trekking XXL yarn border.

Here is the blanket unwashed and unblocked.

And here it is machine washed, machine dried and steam blocked.

The machine washing and drying did very little to the knitted fabric (of either yarns) except make them a bit softer

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