Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sock Accomplis!

Given how long it takes for me to do ribbing...especially 1x1 ribbing...I wasn't sure I'd finish the Skacel socks in time for a blog before I headed home for the week.

I Almost Wore Them Today!
After trying them on for the blog photos, I considered wearing them to work.

A couple things interfered with that plan. Mainly, I have quite a few ends to weave in and I wanted to make sure some of my temporary joins didn't loosen up more than I wanted. Plus, the yarn ends inside the sock might have gotten irritating, especially since I end up wearing them for about 23 hours on travel days (yes, I put on clothes at about 7:00 am Mountain time and take them off the following morning at about 7:30 am Eastern time.

Suffice it to say, I'm looking forward to wearing the socks...I just love how they look and feel.

Current Knitting
I had to immediately cast on with my latest Skacel yarn, the Austermann Step in this great blue, red, green colorway.

If it's not obvious from the mini-photo, I'm doing another pair of toe-up socks. I started with the figure-8 cast-on, and I have to say that tightening up those initial stitches was incredibly easy. I'm not sure if it's the yarn, or that I'm just getting better at figuring out which leg of a stitch to pull to snug up the stitches.

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