Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hear Me, Feel Me

For those of you who know me primarily by my writing, Lara at Math4Knitters has provided you with an entertaining way to get to hear me in a very casual and conversational way on he poscast.

Easy-Going Style
Lara has a great way of interviewing people that allows them to just talk to her as if she's a long-time friend. Now that I have an I-phone, it's nice to be able to use it in another useful and entertainig way. Especially when it has to do with knitting.

I'd highly suggest subscribing to her podcast. It's always enjoyable.

Current Knitting/Crocheting/Spinning
I have practically finished the Skacel socks I have on the needles. I wanted to maximize the yarn I had, so I will need to undo a bit of knitting on the first sock. As soon as I do, I'll post photos.

I also also started a new project...a crochet baby blanket.

I saw a version of this on a baby in Chicago airport, and loved how this afghan stitch looked on a smaller gauge, so I decided to do it in a couple of interesting colors. It's for my younger brother and sister-in-law's baby-to-be. She's an artist and appreciates interesting colorways.

Finally, I also got to use my new Lazy Kate from the sister-out-of-law.

I'm double-plying the Black Bunny Fiber Corrieadale, and the splotches of dyed roving are blending quite beautifully.

I honestly don't know how I got by without a Lazy Kate prior to this.  The number of tangles when singles spun back on themselves, and then caught the other single...ugh...this is like a dream comparatively.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Seanna Lea writes, "I'm definitely liking your spinning there. What are your plans for the yarn?"

I honestly have no idea right now. The color isn't me, and I'll probably end up with about 900 yards of spun yarn. Any ideas?

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