Monday, March 16, 2015

Killing Klaralund

Klaralund (May 2007 - March 2008)

Klaralund was born as a beautiful new project to Alana who cast on excitedly in May of 2007. She was devotedly knit on for weeks until she became ill with "boring-to-work-on-itis." She then shrunk in size and ended up being too small for the knitter. (Klaralund claimed that it was the knitter who got a bit bigger...) Since then she has been living in a zip up pillowcase package desperately holding onto the needles that sustain her. She unfortunately lost her battle on March 16, 2008.

With so many sweater projects that I want to start, I had to let go of the half finished sweaters that I knew weren't going to turn out right. Klaralund is a beautiful sweater pattern but I unfortunately picked the wrong size in the beginning. In denial I kept on knitting hoping I'd lose a few pounds and reassuring myself that I could "just block it out." The fact of the matter is that it would have truly looked terrible on me. And I didn't want to waste 8 skeins of Noro Silk Garden on an unflattering sweater.

I HATE ripping things out but I knew it was the right decision.

I frogged the whole thing.... the front, back, and half of a sleeve. It was a little painful but I just kept thinking of the Sunrise Circle Jacket that I want to knit up from all of this Noro.

In other news I killed the Seedling Sweater too. The fabric was wierd because I had to use such a large needle size to get gauge and I wasn't even sure if I was going to have enough yarn to complete it.

But I don't just murder sweaters, I finish them too. The Terese sweater is done!! It looks great. I hope to take some proper pictures of it tomorrow.

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