Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Supreme Court Impact

This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court will be listening to arguments about two issues that mean a lot to me.

California Proposition 8 and DOMA
First of all, the best thing about SCOTUS (Supreme Court of The United States) listening to these two cases, is that is lets a LOT of people know that fairness and liberty aren't there yet for the LGBT community.

Many people I speak with...even relatively well-informed people...think that I am able to get married fact they think all same sex couples can get married in this country.

Or at least I could move to a state where I could get legally married.

I'm hopeful that many of my readers already know more about this issue than most people...while I can go to some States and get legally married, it would only be legal in that State...not in my home state and more importantly, not Federally fact, Defense of Marriage Act, the ridiculously name act passed by Bill Clinton in 1996 says that no State or Federal law is required to recognize any marriage that isn't one man and one woman.

So, suffice it to say, this week's Supreme Court hearings could have a significant impact on my life.

Current Knitting

I finished the neck and did something with it that I'm quite pleased with, and also started the first sleeve, including getting past all the shoulder cap shaping.

The neck might seem a bit small in relation to the rest of the sweater, but it fits quite well, without being tight. The opening was a bit too large, and the shoulder width was a bit too wide when I got to the top, so I reduced the number of stitches I'd normally pick up for the neck and it solved both issues quite well.

For the shoulder cap shaping, I just did short-rows.  I picked up 124 stitches, and then knit one inch past the center of the shoulder-top and turned (I use the standard wrap for my short-rows), and then knit 2 inches back and kept adding an inch of knitting until I had knit 2/3rds of the sleeve, and then I started knitting around.  I haven't tried it on, but it looks like it will work okay.

Readers' Comments/Questions

Julie in San Diego asks, "Are you really retiring in a month?"

I don't think so.  First of all, my current project is slated to go until at least May, so I won't leave until the project is over.  Second, I really haven't met my financial goals for retirement, although I could revise them too.  It's still up in the air what I'll do.

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