Thursday, March 5, 2015

I Want To Be An Amazing Man

Finding someone to aspire to be has been a theme for me lately...always getting partial answers along the way.

Music, Art and Movies

Recently, I was incredibly moved to have gotten to, not Les Miserables, but Searching for Sugar incredible documentary that I think everyone should see.  Story about an amazing musical artist with an popularity only within the protected environs of Apartheid South Africa.

 A MUST-SEE movie.  I won't write any more about it, because I think the story unfolds in a way that the less you know about the story, the more impressive it is.

I've also been listening to a lot of music, and I've long been inspired by a song by Christian Andreason called I Wanna Be an Amazing Man!.  Take a makes me want to be a better person.

Finally, I'm always inspired by knitters I know, and lately, especially by the knitters I've met through the Men's Knitting Retreats.  Here's just one, but he's brilliant (like many of the other guys), and has a great new reversible scarf pattern about to be published.

This is Kyle, wearing one of his great knitwear designs.  Check out his web page and connect with him on Twitter or won't be sorry.

Current Knitting

I've finished all the neck shaping on the front and have almost finished the full frontal...see if that phrase gets some web hits:

It's actually starting to look like a proper sweater...just the upper back and a couple of sleeves to go.

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