Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How Do You Find Good Books?

I'm ever so grateful that Thaddeus picks out most of the movies we see, because I wouldn't have a clue as to where to find such amazing movies, and he has incredible taste in movies...or at least taste that I usually agree with.

But Books...Not So Much
Thaddeus doesn't read much, so I'm left to my own devices to come up with good reading material.

One source for good books has been Thaddeus' sister...she's recommended some excellent choices, like "Breakfast With Buddha"
Breakfast with Buddha

This was a great read for anyone that hasn't read it and thinks they might like the same kinds of books I do. She also recommended "Cutting For Stone"
Cutting for Stone

By far, one of my favorite books I've read recently.

I also have a good friend up in Albany who works at Barnes & Noble, and he sometimes sends a good recommendation my way.

Recently finished one of his recommendations, "Tinkers".

I thought this was just a brilliant book.

But I thought their must be some web site that will recommend books based on what others have similarly liked. I mean even movies has which asks you to rate a dozen or so movies that you've seen and then it recommends others that people with similar ratings to yours have also liked.

Current Knitting/Spinning
Most of you know that my work has been keeping me incredibly busy lately, but I was able to get a bit more done on the crochet baby blanket. I've decided to see how far I get with the purple yarn, and then possibly take a suggestion from one of the commenters in the last post.

I also finished spinning up the yarn from Carol's Corriedale Roving called SweetTart.

I'm quite please with how the yarn came out...I've never spun anything quite like this color-wise. Now I just have to come up with something to do with it, or send it off to Seanna Lee as a gift.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Silhouette169 writes, "Have you thought to just reverse the proportions now that you are at the halfway point (little past, but better than ripping the whole dar thing) so that the purple stripes are thinner and the other is thicker?"

Yes, I did consider that, but I didn't think I'd like the look. I think I'd prefer to do something much more random than that.

Sarah T. chastises me for chastising Medicare recipients who need Hoverounds but can't get them approved.

This is just another case of lazy reading on Sarah T.'s part...I never chastised the people who bought Hoverounds (or tried to)...I chastised the companies marketing them in such a defrauding way.

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