Monday, March 9, 2015

We've Been Applified!

Yes, not AMPLIFIED...but Applified.


More Converts To iPhone, iMac and MacBook Pro
In a matter of months, our household has gone from an all PC environment to an almost all Apple environment.

It all started with my iPhone in January.

Then, it became obvious that a 12 year old personal computer has its limitations, so we ended up buying Thaddeus his beautiful new iMac.

Honestly, I fell in love with the beauty of his new computer...the keyboard, the monitor, the was very compelling.

Then we realized that with all our household finances and personal computing on a work laptop, I really should get a personal laptop as well. And my theory on buying a new computer is that you should really buy as good a computer as you can afford, so that it lasts as long as possible.

So, this past weekend, we went to our local Apple Specialist, and bought a new Mac Book Pro.

I think it will take me a little while to get fast with the new interface and non-Windows environment, especially since I need to switch over to my work PC during the week, but honestly, I already love my new machine, and I've even used it to create something I think is quite cool for the upcoming Men's Spring Knitting Retreat!

Current Crocheting
I've made a lot of progress on the crochet baby blanket in royal colors.

Of course, since the blanket is crocheted diagonally, the rows get successively longer as I get toward the center of the blanket.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Brady writes, "Joe... What is the pattern on the baby blanket. I love it! I want to make something with that stitch."

It's normally used as an afghan stitch, and it's called "corner to corner." I'm actually using a slightly different stitch pattern, but I couldn't find the one I printed when I did a google search. If you find one that chains 5 at the beginning of a new row, that's the one I'm using.  I'm also using sock weight yarn and I'm not sure what hook size.

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