Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lace Knitting Kicked My Ass

I am beyond disheartened by my latest project...I've decided I am only allowed to knit scarves and washcloths the rest of my life.

Blocking Gone Wrong
I went to block out the center section of the Shetland Gossamer stole I had been working on and it was looking great.

It was almost completely blocked out when tragedy struck.

Okay, okay, it's not 700 Chilean's dying in an earthquake, so I guess it really doesn't count as a tragedy.

Regardless...the crumpled remains of this pseudo-tragedy is sitting in a corner waiting to see if I ever forgive it.

Current Knitting
I really was so disgusted, I started a simple scarf using some old Noro I had hanging around. It's the Woven Cable Scarf by Kelly Haines.

I don't have any pictures yet, but hopefully I won't wreck this project before it's finished!

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