Sunday, March 1, 2015

Time To Take My Vitamins

Work is consuming ridiculous amounts of my time lately, requiring me to sleep on planes instead of knitting and getting virtually no knitting done in my hotel.

No Knitting, No Blogging
Blogging doesn't take that much of my time, so I can usually find time to fit in a blog entry every once in a while even when I'm busy. But I always feel like it's not a real blog entry unless it has some knitting to show. Today's blog entry will be another minimalist knitting blog entry.

Current Knitting
I did end up doing a small single crochet border around the neck warmer, but I still have to sew on the buttons and weave in a couple of ends and block it. I should get that done this week and I'll ask the recipient to pose for a photo.

I got a little bit more done on the second Skacel yarn sock, and I will hopefully be able to stay away long enough on my flight home Thursday night to at least come close to finishing.

I also started a new project...a fingering weight baby blanket in a bright purple. I'm not sure I'm liking it very much, even though I've only finished about 15 centimeters.

Current Spinning
This past weekend I got a bit more spinning done on the Black Bunny Fibers Corriedale in the SweetTarts colorway.

I finished the first bobbin of singles and got a bit done on the second bobbin. I am VERY excited to be able to use my new Lazy Kate from Gil at Robin Wheels.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Just a quick thank you to those of you who ordered Barb Brown's new book "Knitting Knee-Highs" is very heartwarming when blog readers support other long-time blog readers, especially when her book is so easy to promote.

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