Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lace Knitting Pattern 1: Cockleshell Stitch

Cockleshell lace stich. http://knittingunlimited.blogspot.com

Cockleshell is very delicate lace, patterned on both right side and wrong side rows.

The cockleshell lace pattern I took from ravelry. Click here. I modified the pattern a little bit.

Skill: Intermediate
Knitting instructions:
Cast on: Multiple: 18 + edge stitches.
Row 1. edge st,  knit all stitches, edge st
Row 2. edge st,  knit all stitches, edge st
Row 3: edge st, *k1 , yo, k2tog , k13, k2tog, yo, k1 repeat from * to last st, edge st
Row 4. edge st, knit all (k1, p1 into yo), edge st
Row 5. edge st, knit, edge st
Row 6. edge st, knit, edge st
Row 7, edge st, *k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, k11, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k1 rep * to last st, edge st
Row 8. edge st, knit all (k1, p1 into yo), edge st
Row 9. edge st, knit, edge st
Row 10. edge st, *k5, Cockleshell, k5, rep * to last st, edge st
Row 11. edge st, *k1, (yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k15tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, rep * to last st, edge st
Row 12. edge st, knit all (k1, p1 into yo), edge st
Repeat rows 1-12 until you have reached your desired length.

Knitting abbreviations
Knit stitch: K
Purl stitch: P
Yarn over: yo
Knit 2 stitches together: K2tog
Knit 15 stitches together: K15tog (Slip next 15 stitches to right-hand needle dropping extra loops, slip  these 15 sts back to left- hand needle, k15tog)
Cockleshell: Knit 15, wrapping yarn 3 times around needle for each knit stitch

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