Sunday, March 8, 2015

Louisa Harding Love

I've got myself a new project!

The Scarlet Skein has recently started carrying Louisa Harding's new collection for Spring, and I am in love. (Sorry Husband) So of course I didn't mind when I was asked to knit a sample for the shop. Louisa's new book Dauphine is amazing and full of feminine Marie Antionette-like designs. One of the interesting thing about this new book is that all of the designs are knit from ribbon yarns. The sweater I chose "Terese" is knit with a ribbon too. I have never knit a sweater out of ribbon before so it is really fun for me! The yarn that I am using is new as well. It is called Thalia.

It is a lightweight gauzy ribbon. It is surprisingly soft because it contains 12% mohair and 6% wool. Mohair is usually my arch enemy but isn't bothering me with this project. Maybe it's because there is so little of it. I have really never knit with anything like this before. If you live locally you should come by the shop and see it for yourself. It is really unique.

It is knitting up surprisingly fast (I am using size 11 needles!) and I think that the stitch pattern is gorgeous. I've already knit up the front and am working on the back. I should be able to get this sweater off of the needles in a week or so.

The project has been a bit frustrating to me but it's really not entirely Louisa's fault. To be perfectly honest with you this is the 3rd time I have knit the front! Ok... so you know how this is knit in this beautiful lace pattern?

Well when it came time to decrease for the armholes I was trying to decrease in the lace pattern. I was struggling and struggling trying to match up yarn overs yet control my stitch count. I was hating Louisa. After all it couldn't be my fault right? Then I looked down at the pattern and saw this...

Pattern Note:

Do not work any incomplete patt reps, work half patt reps or take extra sts into st st.

Well I guess reading any Pattern Notes before starting your project is a good idea. I ripped it back. As I was ripping I saw a mistake in the lace pattern on the second row. I thought... well as long as I'm ripping I'd better fix that one too. Ok... back on the needles I am knitting away.... this time I decide to work the side lace panels in stockinette while I am decreasing. I tell myself, "Forget the lace pattern on the sides!" That was not a good idea. I had tried to take the "least brain activity" way out of this but the finished result was really bugging me.

When I was done ripping it out for the second time I started ripping out my hair as well. At this point I also threatened what was left of Terese with a pair of scissors. I was feeling a bit disappointed in Louisa. Why couldn't she just TELL me what to do instead of these vague "pattern notes"? Thankfully, the third time worked out. I worked half pattern repeats from the decreases on. It took a bit of figuring, but I will be kind and share the method in a future post for anyone who wants to knit this sweater. Outside of that problem everything has gone fine. I like the yarn. I like the pattern, and yes I like Louisa Harding again.

You can see how fast this sweater knits up for me to practically knit the whole front 3 times in one week. If I would have figured this out sooner I could have been almost done with it by now.

I also have my eye on this design as well. It is just so pretty to me. I think one of the reasons I like these designs is because they are dressy and I just have never knit a dressy sweater before.

Besides Terese, I am also knitting away on my Clapotis. I want to get both done by the end of this month. Which I should be able to do if I don't have to rip out anything else.

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