Saturday, May 30, 2015

Craft Imitates Obsession

Have you ever noticed that when you focus a lot of attention into one thing, then you start to see everything in terms of that thing?

Spinning/Drafting Teaches Me a Lesson
One of the areas I struggle with all the time is balancing between healthy self-esteem and arrogance.

It seems that no sooner do I get my self-esteem up to a certain level of acceptance, and then BAM!...I overplay my hand and the universe knocks me down to self-loathing.

As I was spindling the other day, I realized I need to get more attuned to peoples' reactions to me and then get faster to adapting to how people react to me.  If you've ever drafted yarn onto a spinning wheel or drop-spindle, you know that there is a constant balancing between keeping the spun fiber from being so under-twisted that the drop spindle falls to the ground and letting it become too over twisted.  This requires a constant feel for the fiber drafting through my fingers and adapting to how it feels in such a way that I get the balanced twist that I'm looking for.

Okay...maybe you don't spin and have no idea how this analogy works...but perhaps you could substitute drafting fiber with knitting without looking at your can just feel when the stitch is twisted, or if you have two stitches instead of one, of if you've hit a purl stitch unexpected.  You're constantly adapting based on the feel of the stitches and yarn.

I figure if I can adapt this quickly in my fiber-related pursuits I can certainly be as adept in my self-esteem/arrogance balancing.

Current Project
I'm still working on the spiral squares blanket...I should have a completed photo by tomorrow maybe???

But my latest pursuit is a SEWING project!!!  I know...shocking, right?

I had the chance to visit Liza Prior-Lucy the co-auther of Kaffe's quilting books and the person that turns Kaffe's color brilliance into reality.  In addition to getting a copy of Kaffe's latest quilt book:

Kaffe Fassett's Simple Shapes Spectacular Quilts is truly spectacular.  It's made me want to bathe in fabrics again.

While I might not make a king-size quilt again...I did get some fabric to make a man's tie as a gift.

Can you imagine the striped fabric as a man's tie with the goldenrod color as the lining?

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