Saturday, May 16, 2015

Unfinished Business?

And this time, I'm not talking about my current sweater project (although, to date, that is also you'll read below).

Brilliant New Art Project
For the few years that I have known Kyle, I have always been awestruck by his inventive creativity, and energy for all things brilliant.

He's come up with an incredible sounding new idea that will incorporate ceramics, writing and collective expressions of feelings for friends and family who have died. And knowing the aesthetic that Kyle brings to everything he does, this project should be no less than amazing.

Check out Kyle's Dead Letter Project here.

I can't wait to see what Kyle does with the contributions.

Current Knitting
Jeez!...I worked like a maniac on the first sleeve of the Zaire pullover, and with a few errors that required me to rip some out, and a unending garter stitch, I was still only able to finish the first far.

I have actually started the second sleeve (although not shown in the photograph), and I've made quicker progress on the second sleeve.

Still not sure I'll finish the garment in time for the retreat.

2010 Men's Spring Knitting Retreat
I head up to Upstate New York on Tuesday for Easton Mountain retreat center, and will have a couple days of rest and relaxation before the retreat starts on Thursday.

Everything is all ready except some small last minute items (and my sweater project, of course).

We have 45 guys attending this year, and more than half of them have never been to the retreat before. I am VERY excited to see both my friends from prior years and meet the new guys to the retreat. Believe it or not, I'm most worried about the movie selection for this year's slumber party.

I figure if that's the worst I have to worry about, everything should be just fine!

I do plan on bringing my laptop to the event, so I should be able to post a blog entry while I'm there...slow wireless gods willing.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Janice in GA writes, "Do you ever worry about having lots of personal stuff on a work laptop? I'm not criticizing at all, just wondering. I see people who subscribe to Yahoo groups from their work computers. That's just not something *I* would do."

I think my company/industry is a little bit more lenient about how we're allowed to use company-issued PC's. Since we are ALWAYS on the road traveling, it wouldn't be reasonable to not allow us to use the PC's for some personal use. In the 13 years I've been doing this work (almost 7 of them writing this blog), I've never run into issues.

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