Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wired Again

And no, that does NOT mean I've started doing crystal meth means the first day with my new company means having a new laptop!

It appears that my new laptop has quite a bit more functionality than my last one.

I have a little built-in web cam, so I can take stupid pictures like this:

Once I get it fully set up with the graphics software that I like for editing photos and all my history of blog photos stored, I think I'm going to like this computer a lot better than my last...although don't expect a whole lot of videos to be created for you!

Current Knitting
I am currently racing against the clock to try and get the Zaire pullover finished before the retreat next week...YES!!!...the 2010 Men's Spring Knitting Retreat is NEXT WEEK!

I have finished the collar, and if you look closely in the second photo, you'll see I've started work on the first sleeve.

I have to say that garter stitch seems to take forever when you're knitting on deadline. I honestly may be wearing a one-sleeve pullover at the annual show & tell event at the retreat.

On a slightly more positive note, I did finish the second pair of short-finger gloves (also needed in time for the retreat), and I'm thrilled with both pairs for different reasons.

The pair on the left seems almost machine made and just perfect, but they're a bit stiffer and scratchier. The pair on the right is made from the hand-spun Cormo, and while it's not as even, they are so incredibly soft and warm.

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