Sunday, May 10, 2015

What is Charity?

  1. The voluntary giving of help, typically money, to those in need.
  2. Help or money given in this way.
Or Is it Something Else?
So, if I give a dollar to a homeless person and she uses it to buy bread and peanut butter for her family.  That, to me, is definitely charity.

If I give a dollar to a homeless person and she uses it to buy crack, while it was intended to be charity, it might not really be.

If I give a dollar to an organization that provides flood relief to victims in Haiti, that to me is definitely charity.

If I give a dollar to an organization and they use 50 cents to pay salaries to their executives and use the other 50 cents to flood relief victims in Haiti, I guess that's still charity.

Now, if I give money to my church, and 90% of that money goes toward heating the building, buying a new organ, replacing the pew cushions and fixing a leaky roof, and 10% goes toward helping the less fortunate in the community, is that still really charity?

I don't really know the answer to these questions, and perhaps the costs that a church uses for it's own facilities is in an indirect way helping support the overall community.  But I would tend to believe that churches in general (and I know there are exceptions), have lost sight of their purpose, and instead of having a purpose of helping the community, they have changed to a purpose of self-preservation.  Either growing their attendance, or just staying solvent.

When any organization gets to a point where their sole purpose is self-continuance, they might want to consider folding up shop.  Especially if the organization is a supposed charitable one.

Current Knitting
You asked for it...I knit a total of maybe three rows since the last photo.

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