Friday, May 15, 2015

NeverNotKnitting Podcast : Episode 19 : Mitting

Episode 19


Dancing Ewe Yarns

Something Red Sweater

My First Knit Chicken

Blue Sky Alpaca Organic Dyed Cotton

Featherweight Cardigan

Suri Elegance

Ethnic Knitting Exploration: Lithuania, Iceland, and Ireland

Audrey's Lithuanian Fingerless Mitts

Ellen on Ravelry

NeverNotKnitting Ravelry Group

The winner of the Knit Chicken supplies from Dancing Ewe Yarns is Hopalong!

Announcement: Dancing Ewe Yarns has extended the special discount offer for the Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton for the month of June as well.

You will recieve 20% on the entire selection of Blue Sky Alpacas Dyed Cotton
and free shipping for all orders that include this yarn.

This offer is exclusive to the NeverNotKnitting podcast listeners and blog readers for the rest of May and all of June.

In order to receive your discount, click on the Dancing Ewe link and in the checkout process enter in the special code " NNK1 "

Click HERE to download the MP3

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