Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Something" Is Nearing Completion

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Knit and Crochet
in Portland, Oregon with my wonderful friend Audrey.

I couldn't have had a more fabulous time! I took a bunch of great classes by talented designers and learned so many things.

The traveling part was interesting. I never travel. Hardly ever. Truth be told, I haven't been on a plane in nearly a decade! And I have NEVER EVER traveled by myself! It wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be.

So I'm super glad that I went and that I didn't die.

I'm also super glad that I had so much time to work on my "Something Red" sweater!
I'm almost done!

I only have to finish this sleeve and do the button band!

AND I also happened to find the most perfect button at the show!

What are the chances of me finding "THE button" right when I needed it?

That never happens!

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