Monday, May 4, 2015

Gearing Up After Being Off

It's been great having some days off, just relaxing and doing a bit of nothing. Sunday evening, that will all change.

New Job, Then Men's Knitting Retreat
Sunday, I fly out to the Midwest to be "oriented" for my new job. Learning all there is to know about a new company takes forever, and then of course, there's the forms to fill out.

But fortunately, I will be getting my new laptop...yay!

The following week, I head up to Easton Mountain retreat center for the third annual Men's Spring Knitting Retreat. It's quite exciting...this year we have 45 guys attending, and many of them have never been to a men's knitting retreat before. I have a lot of work to do between now and then, but it's all quite manageable at the moment. I'm also heading up a couple of days early to just kick back and truly "retreat."

Current Knitting
With all the relaxation time, I've also had some time to get in some knitting.

I finished the pair of short-finger gloves, and I was so pleased with the result, I cast on immediately for a second pair (I'm about halfway through that pair).

I also picked up the Zaire pullover, and I was able to finish 3 of the 4 shoulder triangles.

It was a bit of trial and error and knitting and ripping out to get to this point, but I am still loving how the sweater is looking. Can't wait to get the collar and sleeves finished so I can show it off to the guys at the retreat!

Another Flea Market Knit-Book Deal...Or Is it?
I found this book at the local flea market, and was able to pick it up brand-spankin'-new for only US$2.00.

The book is Yarnplay + Yarnplay at Home by Lisa Shobhana Mason, which is a combination of two of her books.

When I check it out on Amazon, it appears I could have gotten it for half price used...hmmm. There are a lot of dishcloth patterns in it. But I still found some inspiration in browsing through it, which was worth the two dollar price tag.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my new job, Duffysan asks, "Will you be able to take time off for going to Rhinebeck?"

Usually, I only go up to Rhinebeck on the Saturday of the event, so I don't think that should pose any problems.

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