Friday, May 8, 2015

Mini Blogathon

Very early Monday morning, I will drive a very full car to Upstate NY to stay a week at Easton Mountain Retreat Center.

Daily Blogging

So, starting Monday, I will blog daily for the week...hopefully posting beautiful photos of Easton Mountain and exciting photos of the guys attending the 7th Men's Spring Knitting Retreat.

The retreat doesn't actually start until Thursday, but I will be "retreating" for a few days beforehand.  And I can honestly say, I don't get a lot of knitting done when I'm at the retreat, so there may not be a lot of knitting content (at least not my knitting) in the week of daily blogging.

But I still thought I'd like to document my journey in a week-long travelogue.

So, feel free to ask questions or make requests in comments (which I'll try to address in the Readers' Comments/Questions section).

Current Knitting

I ended up finishing the Koigu Cross Stitch Scarf.

I had forgotten how fun this project was to make and I was honestly surprised at how fast it flew off my needles.  I think I'll have to find a lot more Koigu and make up a batch of these scarves.

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