Friday, May 1, 2015

A New Challenge - A New Blog Button

It's the first of May and I've decided to challenge myself to blog for 31 days in a row.  To support that effort, I've enrolled in the 2012 WordCount Blogathon.

Premier Blogathon Post
With a new resolution comes a new fiber craft! - Well, at least new for me.

Someone sent me information on Fiber Hooking and I have to admit I wasn't overly thrilled by the idea.  On it's face, it looked a lot like latch-hook rug making, and I had done that in the past.

But then I saw two things that intrigued me -
  1. It wasn't latch-hooking, but a different kind of looped hooking that used longer pieces of yarn and pulled loops up through a tight woven/linen fabric.
  2. The designs and colors used in them were just incredibly beautiful!
So I decided to try it.  I got the initial supplies (stretcher bars, flat-head tacks, and a fiber hook).

Then I chose my favorite design among the many great choices.

The kit was for four excellent looking sheep face coasters.  I LOVED the fact that it had one black-sheep in the group, and I also love the color choices the designers had made.

So, I stretched the linen fabric over the stretcher...

Fiberhooked my first sheep face (of course, I hooked the black sheep first!)...

Then I hooked in the background (great color)...

And then I hooked a few more adorable sheep faces.

Now I have to add in the remaining backgrounds and voila! (sorry, no accent) I have incredible coasters.

I have to say while I was initially attracted to the designs because of the simple graphics and rich colors, I was very impressed with the yarn quality, the canvas and the detailed instructions for Fiber Hooking.  I have also come to love working on this project.  If only I could bring it with me when I fly to work.

Check out all the designs and equipment here on FiberHooking's site.

Any thoughts on which one I should do next?

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