Saturday, May 2, 2015

Branching Out

Since I definitely won't be making enough knitting progress each and every day for 31 days in a row, I will have to branch out to other things...such as...

Current Reading

I own a Nook (the Barnes & Noble version of the Kindle), and I have to say it's come in very handy with all the traveling I do.  Most of my reading gets done while I'm soaking in a bath tub (sorry for that visual image), but more and more, I'm finding I'll carry my nook with me and just take it out to read a page or two while I'm waiting.

Sounds a bit like

Actually, at the moment, I'm reading two real paperback when I'm home, and the other an eBook when I'm traveling.

The home book is  The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs. This book started out surprisingly well. I was impressed by the quality of writing and kept enjoying the story and the characters as they continued to define themselves. The latest chapter started to worry me...the characters and the plot-line looks like it might be heading into melodrama, and I'm having difficulty believing the author will be able to pull the story out of the toilet.

 I'll keep you updated as I progress.

The eBook is a different story...a different story in many ways.

On the Nook, I'm reading The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach.

I am absolutely in LOVE with this book. The writing is brilliant, the story is so engrossing that I'm already worrying about finishing the book and not wanting it to end, and the characters are appealing in every way I enjoy a book person to be. I will say that I'm not sure if I'm so enthralled by the book is because of the game theme running through it, but I don't think I'm being quite that shallow this time. I will say, that in addition to this blog, The Art of Fielding should be required reading.

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